Cooperation capacity of local governments, a chance against crisis

Cooperation capacity of local governments with the other authorities and society is an opportunity to combat the crisis. Therefore, claim the space to them as dynamic agents and drivers of employment and sustainable development. On this initial idea turned the speech by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, in New Economy discussion, held today in Madrid.

Reference to the date of the next local elections on 22 May, Pedro Castro addressed the audience, more than 250 people and a large group of journalists, "to say that the Local Governments are the guarantors of social cohesion territory and it is time to "join forces" and to Spain's interests above any electoral priority.
Getafe Mayor called on the authorities, particularly the Autonomous Communities, which support agreements with the economic and social actors to enhance competitiveness, revitalize the economy and create jobs in each territory. These agreements, local area, would be led by the municipalities, "because they are best able to translate the resources in yield, more quickly."
Pedro Castro, another point in his speech said that the municipalities are those that are mitigating the most perverse effects of the crisis, even though they do not have sufficient resources to provide basic services with the same quality and equal to all citizens.
The President of the FEMP recalled that local governments take non-compulsory expenditure, representing nearly 26% of its budget, largely by assuming powers it does not own, and called for a new legal framework to clarify local powers and a new model of adequate, fair and predictable.

In this context, the President of the FEMP demanded that the Autonomous Communities that meet the constitutional mandate to contribute to the financing of municipalities, through the pikes.
Link to view the video of the intervention of Pedro Castro

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