Local elections called for May 22

The Government Gazette published today by the Royal Decree calling for local elections and the Assemblies of Ceuta and Melilla to the May 22, 2011, in accordance with election law. The Royal Decree shall also be established but the durations of the election campaign.

The Royal Decree approved the convening of the process provides for the election of Councillors for municipalities not subject to Open Council, mayors of municipalities, by tradition or under regional rules, have adopted the model of an open council, village headman or body single judge of the territorial entities below the municipal directors of the Canary Island Councils, and members of the Assemblies of the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
The call of the remaining elections, announces Royal Decree, will take place through the relevant regional policy: regional elections, the Balearic Island Councils, General Councils of the Basque Provinces and the General Council of Val d'Aran.
On the other hand, it is expected that Members of the Provincial Joint Regime will be chosen once the municipal elections held in accordance with the procedure laid down in the electoral legislation.
The text also specifies the duration of the campaign, which begins at midnight on Friday 6 May and closes at midnight on Friday 20 May. Furthermore, in accordance with the deadlines specified in the election law, this Royal Decree to be issued the fifty-fifth day before the fourth Sunday of May of the relevant year, in this case, on Monday, March 28, and published the next day, the 29 this month, and came into force on the day of its publication.
The Royal Decree was adopted last Friday at the Council of Ministers also adopted the Regulation on the basic conditions governing the participation of people with disabilities in political and electoral processes, in compliance the mandate to the Government in the Law on equal opportunities, non discrimination and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities.

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