The FEMP Injuve and spent € 300,000 to local youth policies

The Director General of the Institute of Youth (Injuve), Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Gabriel Alconchel, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, today signed a collaboration agreement for the development of actions aimed and youth at the local level.

With this agreement, worth 300,000 euros, the FEMPabrirán Injuve and a call to local councils to fund local youth policies in three areas:
- Programs to prevent violence, aimed at promoting new models of masculinity among young people.
- Health programs aimed at the prevention of unwanted pregnancies among adolescents and youth.
- Youth empowerment programs aimed at the employability of young people.
Priority will be given the concession to those municipalities that have not received assistance from FEMP Injuve and above.
The general director of Injuve, Gabriel Alconchel, said that "funding for these projects from the Government of Spain make a commitment to local government as an institution that is closest to the young, to assist municipalities to implement programs to improve the lives of young people to become better citizens, have positive civic values ​​and to look to the future with more hope and better job prospects. "
Alconchel Gabriel recalled that in 2010 there were 474 municipalities this call, resulting finally selected 166 programs. "We estimate that these programs have involved over 200,000 young people and funded innovative projects to councils which had never received our support."
The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, pointed out the continued cooperation of the Federation with the Government on youth and in particular the agreement signed last year with the Injuve, for the prevention of gender violence, the health promotion and support of youth emancipation, which serves as a reference to the new agreement signed today.
Isaura Leal also highlighted the role of municipalities in the development and implementation of comprehensive policies for youth, "essential and decisive" to achieve the emancipation of the younger, social integration and participation in public life.