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The BOE issued Royal Decree with the new ICO councils and the spending rule

Official State Bulletin (BOE), published on July 7, 2011 Royal Decree that contains, among other measures, the creation of a new ICO to facilitate payment of debts owed by businesses and freelancers local authorities, and the spending rule for Local Government.

Created Observatory of Religious Pluralism

The normalization of coexistence based on respect for diversity is one of the objectives behind the creation of the Observatory of Religious Pluralism and Local Government, whose mission is to be fulfilled in each of the municipalities in Spain. This was expressed by the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, in the presentation of the Observatory, together with the ...

Published projects to be financed in the call 2011 of ERDF and ESF

The Gazette publishes in its issue of July first resolution calls 2011, aid from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF). Both funds provide a total of 343.3 million euros to fund our country a total of 120 projects.

Zapatero announces a line of credit to finance the payment ICO providers Councils

The Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, announced yesterday during the debate on the State of the Union approved new measures to the municipalities to cope with the payment of suppliers, especially SMEs and freelancers. Specifically, he referred to an ICO credit, without specifying the amount.

The FEMP is added to the official mourning for soldiers killed in Afghanistan

The FEMP has invited local governments to join the Spanish official mourning declared by the Government on the occasion of death in the terrorist attack in Afghanistan, two soldiers of the Spanish contingent in the International Security Assistance Force for Security in that country.

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