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The measures of access to credit for local entities will enter into force in January 2011

The economic and financial measures on local entities, included in Royal Decree-Law of extraordinary measures to reduce the deficit, will enter into force on January 1, 2011 and shall apply until 31 December of that same year . That appears reflected in the corrigendum published today in the Government Gazette, and which is to amend Section Two of Article 14 of Royal ...

The FEMP criteria agreed to reduce salaries of elected officials and local officials

The Executive Committee of the FEMP has agreed, with the support of all political groups, to recommend to all the municipalities, County Councils, Councils and Island Councils implementing the measure reducing the salaries of local elected officials and senior members Local Government, applying the same criteria and scales established by the Government of Spain to the ...

Published by Royal Decree on Measures for the deficit reduction

The Government Gazette published today in its pages the Royal Decree-Law 8 / 2010 of 20 May by adopting special measures to reduce the deficit, the text includes the Executive's proposals for compliance their commitment to accelerate, during 2010 and 2011 deficit reduction initially planned.

The FEMP Executive analyze the actions of the Royal Decree on deficit reduction

The FEMP Executive Committee consider the contents of the Royal Decree adopting extraordinary measures on reducing the public deficit, in its meeting tomorrow Tuesday, May 25 at the headquarters of the Federation, in Madrid.

Castro meets with Chavez to discuss the development of the Decree on deficit deduction

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has remained in the afternoon a meeting with the Third Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Policy, Manuel Chaves, to analyze the development of the Royal Decree to reduce the deficit, released today by the Government Gazette.

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