Welcome to the website of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), a virtual window from which to see the news and contents of Spanish municipalism through the association that brings together and represents all its members.
I wish to make myself available to everyone from this space, which the Federation opens up to its members to inform them of its activities and provide them services, and also to the rest of society and other institutions, to which it presents itself as an active organization and a benchmark for everything that affects or is of interest to our local authorities.
More than three decades after its creation, closely linked to the arrival of democracy in our cities, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces presents itself to all as a body that is firmly established in its role of representing and defending local interests. And from here, from this website, it discloses to everyone its inspiring principles, procedures and organization, the foundations that have allowed it to work and continue working in defence of local autonomy and Spanish local authorities.
Abel Caballero Alvarez
Mayor of Vigo
President of the FEMP