The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is the most widely implemented state Association of Local Authorities, bringing together a total of 7,324 Town Councils, Provincial Councils and Island Councils, accounting for over 90% of Spanish Local Governments.
Incorporated under the provisions of the Fifth Additional Provision of Act 7/1985, of 2 April, Regulating the Rules of Local Government, it was declared a Public Utility Association by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of June 26, 1985.
The FEMP is the Spanish Section of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and the official headquarters of the Latin American Inter-Municipal Cooperation Organization (OICI).
The foundational and statutory purposes of the FEMP are: promotion and defence of the autonomy of local authorities; representation and defence of the general interests of local authorities before other public authorities; development and consolidation of the European spirit at the local level, based on autonomy and solidarity between local authorities; promotion and encouragement of friendly relations and cooperation with local authorities and their organizations, particularly in Europe, Latin America and Arab countries; provision, directly or through companies or entities, of all kinds of services to local corporations or authorities depending on them and any other purpose that directly or indirectly affects the associates of the Federation.
The Federation is governed by two basic internal sets of rules: the Bylaws, approved at the 10th General Assembly and the Internal Regulations.
Its headquarters is located in the Villa de Madrid, Calle del Nuncio, No. 8.