New regulation of polluting activities and improving air quality

The Council of Ministers approved two Royal Decrees that update and improve the rules on air quality and regulation of polluting activities in the atmosphere. These texts develop develop Air Quality Act and Protection of the Atmosphere of 2007 and facilitate its implementation through a linkage which unifies all existing legislation in this area. The Autonomous Communities have broad discretion in their application.

The Royal Decree on the improvement of air quality defines and sets air quality objectives for each of the pollutants covered in this statement. Also how to assess the air quality in the whole country (through measurements and modeling) and how to proceed in the subsequent management, according to the results of that assessment. It also provides information exchange between local, regional, national and European level.
As major developments, including obligations for particles smaller than 2.5 microns (PM 2.5), following the specifications of the Directive, and sets the new obligation to monitor the levels of ammonia in air at background and regional traffic stations of the Spanish cities of more than five hundred thousand inhabitants.
In addition, it specifies the content of the plans to improve air quality, already introduced in the 2007 Act and, in particular, national plans to implement the Government for those contaminants that similar behavior is observed in terms of sources , dispersion and levels in various zones or agglomerations.
Finally, regulating the conditions and how to proceed to request exemptions from the application of limit values of particles or extensions of the deadline for compliance with the limit values for nitrogen dioxide and benzene, ultimately, granted European Commission.
Catalogue of polluting activities
With respect to the Royal Decree that updates the catalog of potentially polluting activities of the atmosphere, the new regulation text updates and lists facilities that generate pollutants in the atmosphere and characterized according to their potential pollutant level. It also develops the requirements to be met to minimize and control emissions.
This regulation also will allow partners to reduce costs on owners of facilities and administrations by simplifying procedures and controls through a modulation of the requirements for each activity according to their pollution potential.
The standard is supplemented by the development of a number of general obligations of the owners of the facilities, such as the implementation of emission controls, record keeping pollution measures undertaken and the communication of information concerning emissions and controls the competent organ of the Autonomous Community.
Both rules complete, also, the repeal of the Royal Decree of 1977 which developed the former Law 38/1975, repealed by the Act and Air Quality and Protection of the Atmosphere of 2007 which has been finally updated the regulatory framework for quality air and potentially polluting activities in the atmosphere.
The government expects these initiatives to achieve a reduction in pollution problems locally and globally, resulting in improved air quality, which will avoid, prevent or reduce the harmful effects of certain air pollutants on human health and the environment environment.

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