Government approves new measures to reduce administrative burdens

The Council of Ministers has approved a new set of measures to reduce administrative burdens. It is the fifth agreement of this type approved by the Government since 2008 and this time is directed exclusively to ease the formalities to be completed on a daily basis citizens.

These fourteen activities that will represent an estimated savings of 510.7 million euros. Among others, improve the procedures in the maternity and paternity, and to facilitate obtaining information on the Internet Land Registry or the Registry Office. Also may apply electronically certified acts of last will or the European Health Insurance Card for MUFACE mutual.
The launch of the new initiatives approved today by the Council of Ministers, which will be developed throughout this year and 2012, involving the Ministries of Justice, Labour and Immigration, Finance, and Land Policy and Management Public.
With this agreement, and 261 are the initiatives launched by the Government since the adoption in 2008 of the Action Plan for Reducing Administrative Burdens, with an overall saving of 4.831 million euros. For the most part have benefited the companies, which have been avoided more than 2,560 million euros in setting up and operating costs, to concentrate its resources to modernize, strengthen their competitiveness and create jobs.
For its part, the actions directed exclusively to the citizens they represent a saving of 1,800 million euros, while a third group of measures that have helped both businesses and citizens in general and have had an economic impact than 470 million euros.
These data correspond to the initiatives undertaken only in the field of State Administration, which will have to add those developed by the Autonomous Regions and Municipalities, with the Ministry of Planning Policy has signed various cooperation agreements

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