The Government implements the National Air Quality with the CCAA and FEMP

The Government, together with the FEMP and the Autonomous Communities will begin work immediately on developing a National Plan for Air Quality may be approved by next July. This has been agreed at the extraordinary meeting of the Environment Sector Conference held today, chaired by the Minister Rosa Aguilar, which also involved the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro.

The Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs announced at the end of the Conference, which the government will work "hand" of the autonomous regions and municipalities to take out three specific plans pollutants refer to particles, carbon dioxide (NO2) and ozone.
These plans, which then form the National Plan will include an assessment of the situation and shall respect the responsibilities of each Administration, in the case of question of concurrent jurisdiction between administrations, will take into account the principle of subsidiarity, as explained Rosa Aguilar.
The Minister also noted that traffic will also be a key element in assessing air quality and is intended to consider measures for diagnosis and awareness, sustainable mobility plans, best practices and actions of R & D, working transversely with other ministries.
Rosa Aguilar reported that between March and May working group will be responsible for outlining the measures and that in June will proceed to open a public comment period before final approval in July.
Next week is scheduled the first meeting between the Director General of Environmental Quality and Assessment autonomous with CEOs and representatives of the FEMP, to begin work.