The FEMP presents a new model of municipal social services

Gradual progress in universalizing the right to services and basic services, strengthen the public system of social services and make them more agile, flexible and accessible, are some of the principles that inspired new model of municipal social services has made FEMP to serve as a reference for all local entities Spanish.

The document was made public in a ceremony held at the Provincial de Zamora and is the result of a year of internal workings of the FEMP, derived from the findings of the National Congress held in this city. This is the first experience in the Spanish Public Administration to share the reality of organizational management and the new configuration should be the local social services in the new social scene.
Participated in the presentation the President of the Diputación de Zamora and Social Welfare Commission of the FEMP, Fernando Martinez Maillo, and Vice President of this Committee and Mayor of Avilés, Pilar Varela, together with the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal.
The purpose of the document is to provide local entities bases an updated design of municipal social services, from the experiences and analysis of the obstacles encountered, and design a future model that takes into account the processes of social change and used to provide a proactive service and consistent with emerging social needs. This is an open proposal to the incorporation of improvements and reformulations by the managers and actors of these services.
FEMP The proposal starts from the premise that public social services have a unique competitive structure in which local entities acquire an important role and the organization and delivery of these services, and therefore aims to overcome the "very impressive" differences between the approaches, guidelines or social service planning adopted by each Autonomous Community.
In addition to the universal right to social services and strengthen its public service character, the authors also consider the work necessary to take account of innovations contributed by non-governmental organizations and the role of the market in the provision of services.
President of the Commission for the Welfare of FEMP, Fernando Martinez Maillo, explained that the study on the reconfiguration of primary social services was necessary, especially after the passage of the Law for the Autonomy and Care of Dependents, but also because the role of Provincial Councils and in this area is increasingly important.
Maillo also noted that social services dependent on the Autonomous Communities and local corporations have had little time to take on the challenge of designing the delivery of better services to citizens and therefore are essential discussions and proposals for both administrations have a responsibility to set the access and management system to benefit. "The initiative is particularly timely FEMP at a time in which the Ministry of Health and Social Policy and the autonomous communities are debating the development and application of the law," he said.
Proposals for a model
The document presented by the FEMP in Zamora raised by the elaboration of a strategic plan, whose main thrusts would be, among others, to improve service quality and management, the establishment of stable channels of coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders, innovation and proactvidad, improving the provision of equipment and facilities and the progress in the use of new technologies and e-government.
The proposal recommends the adoption of quality schemes in the processes and procedures and alert services in areas like filing systems and responding to complaints and suggestions, waiting times or conditions of the facilities and equipment.
Similarly, considered essential to use new technologies and the possibilities offered by eGovernment if you have a "modern model" of municipal social services.
The new model would also regain the capacity for innovation and proactivity, and simplifying the organizational structure, ensuring the integration of all social services and consistency of strategic and operational planning. Specifically, we propose a simple and flexible structure, with teams operating independently and aimed at strengthening prevention and networking.
On this point, advised to have a social worker for every 3,000 / 5,000 inhabitants, a multidisciplinary team for every four social workers and an intervention model shared and agreed with specialized equipment.
On the other hand, in regard to specific services of proximity, aims to have a network of day care centers and day care, prevention services and support for the reconciliation of family life with working life, a hosting network Alternative (mini homes, supported housing, shelters or hostels) and support a comprehensive network of legal, psychological and social gender violence and domestic, racist and xenophobic discrimination, etc.


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