The FEMP demands zero tolerance to violence against women

The FEMP expresses its abhorrence to violence against women and calls on local governments to step up actions aimed at the eradication of sexist abuse, as well reflected in the statement that the Federation has issued on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Gender violence, on 25 November.

The statement urged local governments to continue their support for awareness raising and prevention, and promotion in the local environment of non-sexist education models.
The FEMP recognizes that such violence is "one of the most virulent evidence of gender discrimination" and stresses that its elimination is still one of the most pressing challenges of our society. Therefore, on behalf of all Local Governments reiterated their determination to intensify its actions both as to cooperate with all public institutions and social partners in finding solutions to sexist abuse. "
In the statement of the Federation is also a reference to children exposed to abuse in their family environments, in this regard, the FEMP calls for municipal policies on gender violence are also into account the need for specific actions with the sons and daughters of battered.
The text also points out the importance of social and political environment of zero tolerance to abuse, adding that "the FEMP is committed to continuing to work contracted type of gender discrimination."
The date of November 25 was chosen in 1999 by the United Nations as International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and commemorates the assassination of the Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic on November 25, 1960 by order of dictator Rafael Trujillo.

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