The Weather Network FEMP commitment to electric cars to fight climate change

The Mayor of Vigo and President of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate, Abel Caballero, said that the introduction of the electric car can be a "giant step" in the fight against climate change undertaken by the Spanish cities, because it can largely solve the problems of mobility and emissions of greenhouse gases that occur in urban areas. These statements were undertaken at the opening of the Sixth Assembly of the Network, and chairs being held in the city he is mayor.

Abel Caballero has described as "historic moment" the emergence of the electric car and has stated that its final and effective implementation will only be possible with the cooperation of all government and private actors involved in its development. The Mayor and President of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate encouraged all the Spanish city to contribute to the electric car is a real alternative, with appropriate regulation, compared to other alternatives that are "not working as well" like getting the ciudadadnos leave home in a private vehicle.
At another point in his speech pointed out that despite the economic situation, municipalities "must keep the bar high" in action against climate change, "because the crisis can not be an argument, so encourage your municipal colleagues that this priority does not falter. At the same time, again reminded that the Network is chaired by an example of collaboration with the Central Government, "quoted in all parties" and will now have to transfer this model of collaboration with the Autonomous Communities also .
The Secretary of State for Climate Change, Teresa Ribera, meanwhile said there are currently other indicators beyond GDP to be taken into account, such as energy consumption and control emissions of greenhouse gases, the quality of air and health, biodiversity, waste or water quality. All values, he added, they have much to do with what the local authorities. Teresa Ribera also spoke of the need to "join forces" from all government and "landing" with concrete solutions, such as electric vehicle targeted. One objective is, he said, that in a consumer society like ours, which eventually consume "as efficient and clean as sustainable as possible."

Regina Polin, Gutiriz Mayor and President of the Galician Network of Municipalities for Sustainability said that issue "too many problems to the atmosphere" and that people use "excess" we have stopped the car and other more environmentally friendly transport such as rail, in Galicia, said "more needs to be used and provide better services."
Meanwhile, José Masa, Rivas-Vaciamadrid mayor and vice president of the Network, said it is vital from the councils "to promote policies that reach people and can incorporate sustainability into the nearest field."
In his view, "the economic crisis and the momentum of the economies of the municipalities put in difficulty something I had to come from other administrative bodies in the form of grants." But at least, as noted, the Network of FEMP is making citizens aware of this problem.
The act on electric vehicles, held in the framework of the Assembly of the Network, attended by representatives and experts from the Ministries of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, and Industry, Tourism and Trade, with electric vehicle manufacturers, operators electrical system and various political and technical Spanish city to analyze and evaluate the policies implemented in the Spanish municipalities in this area.
During the Assembly of the Network also has carried out the award ceremony of the Third Good Practice Award for Local Climate, created to collect and recognize performance improvements made in recent years by local governments in Spanish the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The meeting in Vigo, where he is mayor the current President of the Network, Abel Caballero, is the sixth in the Assembly, following those held in Santander, last June this year, Rivas Vaciamadrid (2009) Donostia - San Sebastián (2008) and Gijón (2006).
A five-year career
Spanish Network of Cities for Climate FEMP was created in June 2005 with the goal of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the municipalities. The creation of this network was consolidated with the firm that same year collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, which recognizes it as an instrument of work and coordination to carry out joint activities with the Government on urban sustainability. Since then there has been growing, reaching the 300 local partners together totaling nearly 28 million people.
During these five years has conducted an intensive co-ordination and technical support to municipalities adhere, as well as provide them with tools to implement initiatives in areas such as emission reduction, energy efficiency, cleaner transport and waste management, among others.
Among the most important documents and papers include the development of a Guide to Municipal Waste Management and street cleaning, the Local Strategy for Climate Change, the First and Second Report on Policies to Combat Climate Change or Management Tool Energy and Water Facilities and Municipal Services.
It has also developed outreach materials to local councils to carry out public awareness campaigns to combat climate change, among which the able and audiovisual documentary video presentation of the network can achieve.
The municipalities, meanwhile, have developed ordinances and plans to achieve the objectives of the Network and sustainability in their municipalities. In terms of energy saving and efficiency, have passed ordinances to promote solar energy, efficient lighting ordinances and optimization plans for buildings and municipal facilities, also have introduced ordinances reductions in taxation for environmental protection environment, especially in relation to energy consumption and setting up agencies or local energy offices, among other initiatives.
In the field of sustainable mobility, activities of the municipalities have outstanding work in promoting public transport, building bike lanes, or decreasing the environmental impact of public transport and municipal fleets as well as promotion of walking.