The ninth started with the local office of the Councils constitution

The vast majority of Spanish municipalities have from today, June 11, with the new councils that emerged from the elections held on 22 May. The constitution of the Authority and the inauguration of the new Mayors have gone smoothly throughout the country.

About eight thousand municipalities have new team of government, following the corresponding full constitution and election of mayor. In others, however, not until early July, while the judiciary resolves appeals. Is the case of Barcelona, ​​Girona or Santiago de Compostela, among the most prominent addition to the Assembly of Melilla.
In most municipalities existing 6536 of 8116, has not been necessary to the covenants or apply the rule of the most voted, since the election results gave a candidate an absolute majority.
In the absence of the two-Catalan capital Barcelona and Tarragona, which will presumably at the hands of CiU, the PP government from today in 34 provincial capitals, while the PSOE does it in 9, the PNV in Bilbao, Donostia Bildu -San Sebastian, the BNG in Pontevedra and Canary Coalition in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.