Cities in the Third World Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations

"Emphasizing the importance of implementing the objectives of the Alliance at national and local, in collaboration with all levels of government and civil society through the implementation of national plans for intercultural dialogue" was one of the conclusions reached by representatives from around the world in the Third World Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations, which once again highlighted the role of local and regional governments.

Urban communities are becoming more heterogeneous and diverse, that diversity is one of the factors with which the city itself just counting to establish new ways of coexistence and good yields social, economic and cultural. On this premise settled the proceedings of the session, "Living in urban societies, a space devoted specifically to the role of cities within the Third World Forum of Alliance of Civilizations, United Nations. The FEMP was represented by the Mayor of Seville, Alfredo Sanchez Monteseirín. In his speech, the Spanish representative claimed the active involvement of local governments in the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, as was recognized two years ago at the First Forum of the same, and as confirmed in the memorandum of understanding between NATO and the municipal organization United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).
To the Mayor of Sevilla, cities play a key role in promoting intercultural dialogue and the concept of city diplomacy as a tool to promote dialogue between cultures. Furthermore, as pointed out in his speech, there are many areas of municipal management, youth, education, immigration or religious diversity-management in which there are actions aimed at encouraging a dialogue. He added that the local dimension of the Alliance is justified in a third reason: the implementation of public policies "and not a matter of a single level of government, but that runs through multi-stage multi-level governance, which require the participation of the different scenarios government to achieve good results. "
The Third Global Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations was closed early in the afternoon of May 29, having collected the debates than a dozen workshops and several plenary sessions in which they addressed issues such as cultural diversity as a path to peace, strengthening the role of women through culture, reducing unemployment and poverty in times of crisis, history as a tool for cultural cooperation, dialogue of civilizations and the establishment of a new world order, or paper religious leaders in promoting peace and human rights, among others.