The Government adopted extraordinary measures for the reduction of public spending

The Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree which contains the extraordinary measures to reduce public spending, among which include a reduction of the salaries of public employees from 0.56% to 7%. The approved measures will produce a cut in government deficit of 15,250 million in two years. In addition, modified the framework agreements with Autonomous Communities and Local Government.

The pay cut for government employees approved by the Council of Ministers of between 0.56% and 7% depending on the group and level, and applies to both base salary and seniority from the payroll in June.

In the case of employees of autonomous regions and municipalities, are 2% lower base salary, while the other 3% will apply to additional remuneration.

Concerning the modification of the framework agreements with the Autonomous Communities and Local lasEntidades, the Decree Law Rel provides a saving of 1,200 million euros, of which, a thousand correspond to the Autonomous Communities and two hundred to local entities.

Also, the RD provides that in the field of local entities will improve financial and economic control operations be deferred long-term debt until 2012.

At the press conference following the Government's second vice president, Elena Salgado, said the measure is not retroactive, so the June bonus will not be affected, as has already been practically earned, according to the agency Efe .

The total cuts will take place in 2010, 30% will be deducted from the bonus to December, while the remaining 70% is distributed among the seven nominees to be charged between June and December.

The wage cut to 8% in the case of CEOs, to 9% for the under-secretaries and 10% for the secretaries of State, as ministers, vice prime minister and his wages are reduced 15%.

The minimum cut of 0.56% will be for workers in group E, 2.75% for C2, 4.5% for C1, 5.75% for the A2 and 7% for A1.

Also, within the General State Administration both specific supplements and destination will be reduced by 5%, except in the case of group E, for which only 1% lower.

For the workforce of Public Administration has provided an average of 5% down, but will be negotiated "if you want to incorporate progressive."

Salgado said, the savings that local authorities get to the reduction of staff costs will be used to reduce debt and finance investments.

Moreover, there will be other areas of the state, as the Council of State and the governing bodies of Justice, whose members will lower the salary from 7 to 8%.

In the case of employees of autonomous regions and municipalities, are 2% lower base salary, while the other 3% will apply to additional remuneration.

Salgado said the savings that local authorities get to the reduction of personnel costs will be used to reduce debt and finance investments.

Moreover, there will be other areas of the state, as the Council of State and the governing bodies of Justice, whose members will lower the salary from 7 to 8%.

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