Fogué Antoni defends the role of Local Government Intermediate

The Chairman of the Committee on Councils, Town Councils and Island Councils of the FEMP, Antoni Fogué, President of the Diputación de Barcelona, has defended the role of intermediate governments as providers of value to public resources, through the provision of quality services and technical advice to municipalities, which then have a direct impact on citizens.

Fogué Antoni opted for the coordination and networking among City and County Councils and the effective implementation of multilevel governance to achieve greater efficiency of public funds during his speech at the breakfast hosted by Democracy and Local Government Foundation, which is also the Chairman, on the new challenges and new proposals for the Council of Barcelona on the horizon 2015.

The President of the Barcelona Provincial Council has stated that the new challenges of Local Government Intermediate focus, first, in achieving a "new local architecture" that contains a competence framework in line with reality and a new funding system consistent with this framework of powers and on the other, to advance the networking and multi-level governance to avoid duplication, and ultimately further the search for new frameworks for cooperation between public and private sectors to take advantage of synergies created in the territories.