You are running 81.4% of projects FEESL

81.4% of 30 563 projects submitted, the State Fund under the new Employment and Local Sustainability 2010 are now running, after the municipalities have approved the award of 24 882 initiatives

The actions already awarded represent a total budget of 3325.4 million euros and have allowed so far to create or retain 210,963 jobs, according to data provided by municipalities to the Ministry of Territorial Policy and reported that the third vice chairman Government, Manuel Chaves.

The awarded projects are consistent with:

EUR 853.5 million (25.6%) 9793 projects aimed at economic sustainability: innovation, new technologies, business promotion, e-government or clean energy.

EUR 825.1 million (24.8%) for 4685 projects for environmental sustainability: improved water use, waste management, cleaner transport and forest protection.

EUR 1646.7 million (49.5%) to 10 404 social sustainability projects: educational, social, health, cultural or sport dependency care, removal of architectural barriers and other social services.

These initiatives awarded, 92% have received and the Ministry of Planning Policy the advance of 85% of the total cost, aimed at financing the start of work. The rest of the initiatives is pending payment, once received by the municipality a certificate of award. As marks the Decree governing the Fund, 15% final project cost is payable at the completion of the work

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