Published projects to be financed in the call 2011 of ERDF and ESF

The Gazette publishes in its issue of July first resolution calls 2011, aid from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF). Both funds provide a total of 343.3 million euros to fund our country a total of 120 projects.

The ERDF is aimed at the cohesion of the region through integrated projects for urban and rural regeneration and strengthening citizen participation in managing public affairs and in improving local services. In 2011 came the call for a total of 134 projects amounting to almost 848 million euros, an amount much higher than expected. The selected projects, which are reflected in the BOE are 61, affect 43 entities, and represent a total of 364.68 million euros, of which 262.4 million is ERDF aid.

As the ESF aid is aimed at improving the quality of life, contribute to job creation, economic development and economic and social cohesion at local level-in line with the strategies and policies for employment and solidarity EU. The help of nearly 81 million investment co totaling over 100 million and will run 59 projects assigned to many other entities.

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