Rosa Aguilar and Pedro Castro on the FEMP sign a protocol to improve air quality in cities

The FEMP and the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine coordinate their efforts to achieve a sustainable and healthy cities and for this purpose, have signed a protocol for efforts to improve air quality in urban environments through advocacy and public awareness and information exchange.

The agreement was signed by the head of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, and the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, just after the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation, which attended by the Minister .
The protocol is one of the actions agreed at the meeting between the two that took place last February, which discussed the Government's measures against air pollution and the participation of local governments, through the FEMP in development of air quality plans, together with the Autonomous Communities.
Besides the exchange of information and public awareness activities, the protocol provides precisely the active participation of local representatives in working groups, meetings and discussion forums on the National Air Quality.
The Ministry circulated to municipalities the results of assessments of air quality as well as diagnostics to characterize the different sources of contamination measured in monitoring stations. It will promote the participation of municipal technical exchange networks promoted by the National Center for Environmental Education (CENEAM), such as network "Responses from education and communication to climate change" or promoters Network "Households green, among other issues.
Preparations for the Assembly
In the meeting this morning, the FEMP Executive has undertaken a first reading of the resolutions to be discussed at the Tenth Assembly, scheduled for November, which will renew the officers of the Federation after the formation of the new Local Authorities arising from the May elections.
In particular, it has proceeded to the approval of the officers of debate and set the closing date of the census for participation in the Assembly. Plenary agreements for accession to the FEMP in town councils, provincial councils and Island Councils, to have effects on the X Assembly should be adopted before July 31, 2011. The communication of these agreements must be received by the FEMP register before September 1.
Vehicle Tax
In addition, the Executive Committee has rejected a proposal raised by the Local Finance Committee, amending Tax Motor Vehicle on the value of the vehicle and the level of CO2 emissions and the euro rules on vehicle type approval, with the negative votes of the representatives of the socialist group, the CiU and PAR abstention and votes for the popular group
010 flat fee for
The FEMP pose to consider an amendment of existing legislation to be free for all calls that are made to the information service 010, from fixed lines or mobile phones that have associated a flat rate service that includes local calls to landlines . This initiative has been agreed by the Executive Committee at the request of the Committee on Finance and Local Funding.
The phone number 010 is used by municipalities to provide information and telephone service to the citizens. These calls are paid by the consistory, in some cases and in other participating users who call the service, so that part of the amount reversed in City Hall.
The FEMP as proposed would apply only to those municipalities who do not receive any compensation cost that people pay to their respective telecom companies.
Local Security Seals
The FEMP Executive Committee has been advised of the Model Regulations for the functioning of Local Boards Security comes at the municipal level to develop the provisions of Royal Decree 1087/2010, of 3 September, which approves the regulations governing these together.
Model Regulations provides, inter alia, the powers of the Local Security Board, the composition or scheme of operation, and its wording is drafted so that it can adapt to the characteristics of each municipality.
Water supply
The FEMP has studied a technical report on the water supply service, aimed particularly at small and medium municipalities, to have a unified legal and technical framework and updated on the matter.
The work has been done by technicians of the FEMP and the Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS) with the aim of regulating the provision of water services for human consumption in the territory of any municipality, determine the relationships between service provider and subscribers, and set basic rights and obligations of each party, as well as all technical, environmental, health and contractual own public service.
The Executive Committee reported favorably on the content of other collaboration agreements, as that is expected to sign with the Tourism Institute of Spain (TURESPAÑA) for the development of joint actions in the business tourism sector, through the Spain Convention Bureau .
Also, with the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the FEMP sign another agreement to support sustainable development initiatives in rural areas, endowed with 250,000 euros. Is intended to develop a guide to promote green jobs in small Spanish municipalities and the collection and analysis of data from the municipalities to determine the influence of EU funding instruments in creating jobs and fixing of the population.
In addition, we plan to sign another agreement with the Ministry of Culture and the Coca-Cola Foundation, which provides continuity to the existing cooperation for years to carry out the Campaign Animation Maria Moliner Reader in municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.
Other agreements that already have the approval of the Executive are to be sealed with the General Foundation of the University Complutense of Madrid, for scientific advice on radio frequencies and health, or the Foundation to Save the House, for diagnostic energy in houses in several Spanish cities.


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