The Area of Security and Civic Coexistence has the general aim of promoting measures to cultivate civic coexistence in municipalities.
In developing the said objective, the political and technical officers responsible have developed a model ordinance for civic coexistence and studied the modification of the current Organic Law of Security Forces and Security Corps so as to clarify municipal competencies on this subject, incorporating the concept of proximity as an essential element and guaranteeing adequate financing for the correct implementation of these.
In the same sense, the Area works on giving impulse to the regulated development of Local Security Committees and Local Security Councils; it promotes the development of municipal police actions in their functions as legal police and the regulation of associations of local police forces; it carries out effective integrated police protection measures against gender violence; and it collaborates with other Administrations in measures and plans that promote road safety.
It carries out measures with regard to civil protection in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior.
Lastly, it exercises the representation of Municipalities in the different existing agencies having to do with the subject of security through the FEMP.