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Boost for Civil Protection at the local level

The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, and the President of the National Association of Professional Specialists in Civil Protection and Emergency (ANEPPCE), Blas Castrillo, have signed this morning at the headquarters of the FEMP, a framework cooperation agreement aimed to promote civil protection in the Local Administration.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero refers to a local financial framework involving the State and the Autonomous Communities

The Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has called for the negotiation of "a new financial framework for local entities, which can only arise from the joint action of State and Autonomous Communities" during the speech on the State Debate Nation.

The FEMP presents a new model of municipal social services

Gradual progress in universalizing the right to services and basic services, strengthen the public system of social services and make them more agile, flexible and accessible, are some of the principles that inspired new model of municipal social services has made FEMP to serve as a reference for all local entities Spanish.

Changed the legal status of savings banks

The Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree-Law amending the legal regime of the Savings Banks. The text contains amendments affecting, inter alia, the representation of government and other entities ycorporaciones in the organs of government and establishes the incompatibility of elected politicians and senior officials to be members of these bodies.

Provides the platform for the promotion of rehabilitation, involving the FEMP

Central Government, States, FEMP, trade unions, employer associations, professional associations, financial institutions, CERMI and representatives of consumers and users, among others, comprise the Social Platform RHE +, recently established with the aim to facilitate and encourage the rehabilitation housing.

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