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Municipalities spend 25.8% of their budgets on non-compulsory expenditure

Non-mandatory spending for Spanish municipalities was 25.8% during 2004-2007. An average of 259.67 euros per capita, largely devoted to security, culture and social services. Data from the study non-compulsory expenditure Spanish municipalities 2004-2007, conducted by the Provincial Council of Barcelona in collaboration with the Economics Institute of Barcelona (IEB).

Local elections called for May 22

The Government Gazette published today by the Royal Decree calling for local elections and the Assemblies of Ceuta and Melilla to the May 22, 2011, in accordance with election law. The Royal Decree shall also be established but the durations of the election campaign.

The FEMP Injuve and spent € 300,000 to local youth policies

The Director General of the Institute of Youth (Injuve), Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, Gabriel Alconchel, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, today signed a collaboration agreement for the development of actions aimed and youth at the local level.

The cities join Earth Hour

An hour without lights around the globe, this Saturday, between 20.30 and 21.30, is the response of the Spanish cities to the call from the FEMP and promoted worldwide by environmental organizations. The sixty-minute blackout in urban spaces and buildings is emblematic places the initiative with which the Spanish municipalities are the local commitment to action against ...

The FEMP calls for greater local presence in the design of active employment policies

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, gave the Minister of Labour and Immigration, Valeriano Gómez, the collaboration of local governments to develop active employment policies and has asked during the meeting to be held both in the Ministry's headquarters, that the Government favors a greater role for councils when planning and implementing these policies.

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