Approved State Strategy Innovation (e2i)

The Council of Ministers has approved the State Strategy of Innovation (e2i) which aims to promote technological development and innovation as a fundamental paradigm shift in production in Spain.

With it, the Ministry of Science and Innovation integrates and aligns all the proceedings of the General State Administration which have a positive impact in fostering a more innovative and competitive economy so as to expedite our economic recovery, strengthening and more sustainable growth generate employment, according to the reference of the Council of Ministers.

This strategy has measures already being implemented and many more will be deployed before the end of the year.

At the same time contributing to the efficiency of innovation expenditure undertaken throughout the State General Administration in the State Budget of 2010, rising to over 6,700 million euros.

Objectives of the State of Innovation Strategy

The State Strategy is projected in the year 2020 in line with the objectives of the Strategy Europe 2020 and is divided into two stages: the first, 2010-2015, aims to resolve the current gap between the state of innovation in Spain and we corresponds to our scientific and economic capacity, the second 2016-2020, which will seek convergence with the leading countries in innovation.

Achieving the goal of the first stage involves achieving in 2015 an annual investment in private R & D higher than 2009 in six billion euros, doubling in that period the number of companies that make innovation, taking forty thousand companies and increase the number of jobs in medium and high technology in half a million.

To achieve these objectives, the State's Innovation Strategy includes a set of actions to be developed around five areas, involving all ministries and are open to cooperation with other governments and with the social and economic. These five pillars are: generation of an environment conducive to innovation, encouraging innovation from the public demand internationally, strengthening regional cooperation and human capital.

Axes of State for Innovation Strategy

The five pillars of State for Innovation Strategy has its origins in knowledge generation and transfer.

a) funding environment conducive to innovation: In this axis integrates all actions aimed at achieving a funding environment that encourages and facilitates innovative activity. To this end, improve the tools of public funding for innovation, while encouraging the implementation of diverse instruments involving the private sector, as bank finance, capital market risk or side pocket.

In this area, have rethought some classic instruments to support innovation from the Ministry, which will be spent 2,500 million euros in 2010. In the same vein, the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Official Credit Institute have recently formalized an agreement for 1,150 million euros to fund such operations in the coming months.

In total, the volume of resources devoted to improving the environment for innovation financing in 2010 amounted to 4.012 million.

b) Encouraging innovation from the public demand: Focus on accelerating innovation by acting on the demand of the government through public procurement policies. The Strategy has identified a set of procurement dependent on State Administration and Local Government, through the State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability, led by the Ministry of Planning Policy. These innovative component procurement to total more than 1,700 million euros in 2010. They are business opportunities for innovative companies in areas such as green economics or health economics, areas known to play a major role in the new production model.

c) International Focus: To provide that innovative firms internationalize their R & D and business development, improving their global competitiveness, the 2010 strategy includes the strengthening of advocacy outside the Spanish technology and innovation in Japan, Korea, China, India, USA, Morocco, Chile, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa through cooperation of the Ministries of Science, Industry, Trade and Tourism and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

d) Strengthening of Territorial Cooperation: State of Innovation Strategy developed in this priority actions aimed at seeking consensus between administrations to achieve a diffusion of innovation throughout the country and the entire productive sector, with special emphasis on SMEs. In this context, and in recent months, the Ministry has signed agreements with several autonomous communities worth 250 million euros. Then there is the mobilizing effect has been at the municipal level, the aforementioned State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability, which have developed projects at the municipal level 7650 clearly containing technology.

e) Human Capital: Through this route, the State's Innovation Strategy combines efforts to achieve wider adoption of innovative talent to Spanish companies. The production model change can only be aborted if it can incorporate more innovative talent to Spanish companies. With this goal has launched a new program called INNCORPORA, the capacity to finance the hiring of a thousand technologists and managers, and that adds to the already successful program to support Torres Quevedo recruitment of doctors and technologists in companies.

Monitoring Committee

In the State of Innovation Strategy adopted today the Council of Ministers is an inter-ministerial Steering Committee, chaired by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. This Committee shall be entrusted, inter alia, to develop an annual action plan for the strategy and the government a report on its implementation.

Consistency with the European innovation policy

Spain has moved during the Spanish Presidency of the European Union thinking that motivated this strategy to the entire European Union.

Result of this work, the Council of Ministers of the European Union adopted in late May under Spanish Presidency conclusions defining the future European innovation policy according to five axes pointing our own strategy.