ICO publishes on its website the terms of the ICO-Councils

Instituto de Crédito Oficial, ICO has published on its website the terms of the loan Line ICO Councils, created to facilitate the payment of debts incurred by companies and autonomous local bodies.

The measure was adopted by the Council of Ministers and published in the Official Gazette of July 7 with the Rule of Local Government Spending
The document published by the ICO provides InformationAbout where and how you apply. It also includes the terms, conditions, interest rates, repayment periods and lack the necessary documentation and to apply for loans, among other things:

• Amount of transaction: Not to exceed 25% of PTE in 2011 the local entity, net of refunds pending the 2008 and earlier, and estimated interest.
• Modality: Loan
• Interest rate: Fixed up 6.5%
• Depreciation and lack: 3 years with no grace period with annual settlement.
• Fees: No fees apply
• Guarantees: 25% annual PTE
• Funding request: Go to "Apply" with the digital certificate recognized by the local MAP and completing the application form and the model certificate is available there. Send the above documents digitally signed lineaentidadeslocales@ico.es address, along with a copy of the following documents (all certificates and reports in PDF format):
• a) Agreement of the Plenary requesting funding, which also explains the criteria adopted to comply with the order of priority art.5.2 DR-law 8 / 2011,
• b) audit report certifying compliance with the requirements of the RD-Law 8 / 2011,
• c) Report of the Treasury of the entity in relation to compliance with the priority of debts.

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