The State Security Commission Local certifies the high degree of coordination between the Government and local councils

The State Security Commission Local, national and coordination meeting between the General State Administration and Local Government on security, certified in its meeting yesterday the increased cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Interior and FEMP on issues essential for the safety of citizens. This collaboration has also considerably improve the efficiency of public resources for that purpose.

The components of the Commission, chaired by the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and Secretary of State for Security Antonio Camacho, the meeting reviewed all issues of joint cooperation, whose results, according to both parties, are being highly positive, and established new lines of action to realize in this exercise.

In particular, to comply with the provisions concerning the publication of the regulations of local boards of Security, which determines the establishment, composition, powers and functioning of local safety boards, a text that contains a good deal the contributions made by the FEMP.

Also, we have collected the observations of the FEMP in amending the Law on the Security Forces to allow the association of municipalities for local police services.

Also highlighted the coordinated participation of local and national police forces in preventing gender violence, the actions of local police judicial police and technical training plans municipal and local police.

The Commission also discussed joint actions carried out on road safety and that remain: the completion of an annual report setting out an Action Plan on Road Safety Police and Ordinance Type Traffic, Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Road to develop the existing regulations and as a reference for municipalities to develop their own regulations.

Finally, both sides expressed the need for increased future cooperation in all areas identified.

The meeting was also attended by the Town Mayor and Chairman of the Commission on Security and Coexistence of FEMP, Miguel Angel García Nieto, Mayor of Fuenlabrada and Vice-Chairman, Manuel Robles, the Councillor of Guadalajara, María José Agudo , and the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal. By the Ministry, accompanied the Secretary of State, the Directors General of Traffic, Pere Navarro, and the police, Francisco Velazquez, General Technical Secretary of the Ministry Angeles Gonzalez and other members of the Cabinet of the Secretary of State Police and the Guardia Civil.