Local Governments to integrate biodiversity into municipal policies

Local governments preserve biodiversity and to that end undertake to incorporate this principle in municipal and provincial policies, especially in planning instruments and land use. This summarizes the first two points of the Manifesto promoted from FEMP to be shared by all the Mayors and Presidents of the Provincial Council of our country.

The Manifesto has been read by the President of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity, the President of the Diputación de Guadalajara, María Antonia Pérez, during a ceremony held at the FEMP on the occasion of International Biodiversity Day, which has chaired by the President of the Federation, Pedro Castro, and Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Water, Josep Puxeu. 

Also participating were Vice Mayor of Santander and the Red, Iñigo de la Serna, and the Director of the Biodiversity Foundation, Ana Leiva. 
The statement, signed by 215 members of the Local Government Network, aims to sensitize local leaders from all over Spain to join the application of the proposed measures. Among the recommendations is to "protect ecosystems, species and ecological corridors" and "increase the number of green spaces and green procurement policies to promote products and services."(Manifesto is attached at the end of this note) 
The event which has issued the Manifesto has been organized by the Network of Local Governments FEMP + Biodiversity, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and is part of the actions that Local Governments Spanish developed with the International Year for Biological Diversity. 
The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, in his speech, he reaffirmed the commitment of this Federation and the Red-faced in 2020, "convinced that we must seize every opportunity to preserve and protect our territories," because, he said with each project for the conservation and restoration of habitats, fauna and flora, we enrich our land and promoting a model of sustainable economic growth. 
The President of the Network of Local & Biodiversity 2010, Maria Antonia Perez said that biodiversity is essential for human existence and that its loss knows no administrative boundaries, so their conservation is everybody's job. 
The Mayor of Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, said talk of biodiversity at the moment is difficult to translate a message to citizens, but why "these events like today are so important." La Serna encouraged to invest in biodiversity from the municipalities, they are actions that generally do not involve great cost and yet have great results. 

Best Practice Catalogue 
In the ceremony held at the FEMP was presented the "Catalog of Good Practices in Local Government Network + Biodiversity 2010." This report contains the status of 60 projects developed in Spain, to restore and protect wildlife, flora and natural areas and to raise awareness on environmental matters to the public. 
These projects include the conservation, protection and increasing populations of the chameleon (Málaga), the reintroduction of the Turtle Caretta (Fuerteventura) or the protection of the otter (City Council-Sobrarbe Ainsa, Aragon) 
The catalog also includes the conservation of endangered species in urban environments like the lesser kestrel, barn owl and the white stork (Jaén) and also the maintenance of public parks, botanical and forestry (Santander, Murcia, Santa Coloma Gramanet-Barcelona, lathyrene -Villablino). 
The event will also have exposed various species of protected plants and recovered as part of the web projects have been enjoying attendees copies of Yellow Jasmine and Lavender (Aranjuez-Madrid), Laurel (Burgos), Holly (Covelo -Pontevedra) and Limonio (Villacañas-Toledo). 
The Local Government Network + Biodiversity was created in 2007 and now has 215 local bodies attached, between Councils and County Councils, with a total population of more than 21 million people. The Network operates in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity Foundation. 
Biodiversity Highlights in Spain 

In Spain there are 10,000 different plant species. They represent 80% of 
existing across the European Union and 60% of the entire continent. 

Spain has 1,500 endemic species unique in the world. 

Our country has the largest biotic wealth in Western Europe with a total of more than 50,000 animal species, which represent over 50% of those in the European Union.

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