Leon, Pamplona, Mataró and four municipalities of Pontevedra rewarded for their good practices for climate

The municipalities of Barro Pontevedra, Poio, Ponte Caldelas and Vilaboa, grouped in a local association, and Leon, Pamplona and Mataro (Barcelona), have been rewarded for their good work to tackle climate change at the third edition of the Award Good Practice which provides the FEMP through the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate. The awards have been handed over to the Assembly of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate being held in Vigo

The four winning projects include the four categories in which the call is divided: mobility, in the case of Leon, energy, for Galician towns, eco-innovation, which is presented Mataró, and land planning, urban planning and building , which corresponded to Pamplona. For the same order of categories, finalists were the municipalities of Murcia, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) and Motril (Granada).
The Mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, and Secretary of State for Climate Change, Teresa Ribera, presented the awards during the Seventh Assembly of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate FEMP, chaired by the Mayor of the City host.
Leon sustainable urban mobility
Lion City Council has been awarded for actions to improve road safety and sustainable urban mobility in the historical district of the city. The project includes the provision of pedestrian walkways, changing the accessibility, the integration of sustainable transport modes and healthy and restricting private car use and reducing speed.
The aim of these measures is, first, improve the quality of life for residents and, second, the image of this historic area of the city to attract people and events tourism.
The project highlights the actions that are related to sustainable mobility and mainly affect pedestrians, cycling, restricting vehicle speed and the reduction and control of free parking spaces. The City Council, inter alia, has implemented in the two tourist routes for disabled people, a cycle of 3.5 kilometers and a thousand new parking spaces for these two-wheeled vehicles.
The "green tube" Mataró
In Mataró there is already a distribution network of heat and cold, with closed water circuits, which uses the excess heat energy from other municipal infrastructure. This installation, called "tub green" has taken the award for the category of eco-innovation.
The project started in 2003 with the purpose of supplying heat, residual recovery from a sludge drying plant, facilities and public buildings. Currently, the "tub verd" serves 14 municipal buildings and facilities and is expected to arrive soon across the seafront, with more than 10 kilometers of pipes.
With this system, Mataro and 15% reduced energy consumption and 70% CO2 emissions. The aim is to provide annually, at the end of the project, nearly 44 million kWh of thermal energy, equivalent to annual consumption of 7,000 families. To implement and manage the distribution of "tub verd" City Council created a joint venture majority owned by the municipality and which also present the Catalan Institute of Energy and the IDEA.
Core Energy
The "Core Energy" apply practices and efficient use of energy in the social, economic and institutional municipalities of Barro Pontevedra, Poio, Ponte Caldelas and Vilaboa. The initiative began in 2007 and includes the construction of infrastructure and photovoltaic solar energy and energy audits in all the town hall, sports facilities and public lighting.
They have also developed a model for sustainable mobility that takes into account the dispersion conditions of the population of the four municipalities and the needs of equipment and basic transport, among other variables. They have conducted energy audits in schools and created a series of public workshops for residents in these four municipalities to learn how to build a "sustainable home" in each of their homes. The project also includes training and awareness of municipal employees, teachers and citizens in general, energy efficiency and responsible driving.
Buildings zero-emission
In the category of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the city of Pamplona received the award for their efforts to achieve a local energy management to provide a balance between progress and energy reduction. Pamplona takes the Consistory renewable and efficient policy not only to existing buildings, but also new construction. So the last municipal projects have been designed following the goal of zero emissions and building energy rating A.
One of the emblematic examples of this policy is the Ciudad Deportiva de San Jorge. A municipal sports complex in which all measures under the Ecodesign criteria converged on a large project from the standpoint of energy and sustainable building reaching the characterization of "Zero Emissions" in thermal plants