The FEMP called municipalities to join the Earth Hour 2010

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has appealed to the Spanish Local Governments to actively participate in Earth Hour 2010, which was activated March 27, between 20:30 and 21:30

With this appeal, the FEMP is added to the initiative of WWF-Spain to administrations, businesses and citizens join their efforts in combating climate change and help with such initiatives, to keep the average temperature the planet will increase to a point where irreversible damage to nature, economy and health of all.
Last year, according to WWF, Earth Hour was followed in Spain for 4 million people, more than 200 cities, hundreds of large and small enterprises and famous buildings such as the Alhambra Palace, the Cibeles, the Guggenheim, the Sagrada Familia, Torre Agbar and hundreds of buildings.
The FEMP is inviting all Councils, Committees, Councils and Island Councils to the lights of its headquarters on the 27th of March from 20:30 to 21:30 hours and who enroll in www.wwf.es / horadelplaneta .


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