The FEMP calls for direct involvement of local councils in the Comprehensive Plan Housing Rehabilitation

The FEMP propose the Government to the councils directly involved with the Ministry of Housing, management and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Housing Rehabilitation. Its president, Pedro Castro, has said that the councils have amply demonstrated their capacity to manage such projects, with reliability and efficiency, as demonstrated in the development and implementation of plans and mutual funds 2009 and 2010.

This agreement was adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the FEMP held today, which also analyzed and discussed the contents of the draft Framework Agreement with local corporations on Sustainability of Public Finances.
On this point, has unanimously resolved to demand the parliamentary proceedings and adoption in 2010 of new laws on local government and funding in order to enter into force on January 1, 2011. Meanwhile, and during the time it will take until the adoption of a Local Finance Law, the FEMP ask the Government to enable a supplementary fund of 4,000 million euros, under the Ministry of Planning Policy, to ensure sufficient funding of Local Governments in 2011.
FEMP also want to authorize all local entities to implement and to eliminate the budget for 2010 with an overall deficit equivalent to 0.4% of GDP, and that the financing of this deficit may be referred to a debt that 0.4%. Local corporations whose budget is executed or liquidated in these terms would be exempt from the requirement to submit a Financial and Economic Plan.
It also proposes to postpone to 2012 the payment of amounts to the debit balances of local corporations relating to settlements of their participation in the Government Revenue (PIE).
These agreements will be transferred tomorrow to the meeting of the Subcommittee on Economic Conditions, Financial and Tax of the National Commission of Local Administration (CNAL), which will discuss the Proposal for a Framework Agreement with local corporations on Sustainability of Public Finances.

1% Cultural
The FEMP urge the Commission Interministerial Cultural 1% to fund the drafting of implementing projects submitted by small municipalities under this heading, referred to in the Spanish Historical Heritage Act. This is intended to help these municipalities, in particular those with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, which lack qualified staff to draft the project and can not afford the economic cost involved.
Sustainable rural development
The FEMP Executive, on the other hand, has claimed the "required share" of local governments and social agents involved in the drafting of the Area Plans under the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Programme. At the same time, calls for the Autonomous Communities in their budgets to collect the necessary financial contribution to the plants and programs of the various rural areas, fulfilling the objectives set out in the Law of Sustainable Rural Development.
Red weevil plague
At the request of the Secretariat of Planning of the Federation Council, the FEMP address the problem created by a plague of red weevil in the plantations of palm trees in many municipalities canaries. The FEMP immediately transfer the matter to the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment and the Autonomous Communities concerned to take appropriate action.
The red palm weevil is a species of beetle that feeds inside the palms to cause his death and is one of the most worrisome pests afflicting the Spanish palm trees, especially those located in the Canaries.
On the other hand, the FEMP Executive approved the contents of various partnership agreements to be signed in the near future. Among others, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, with the Ministry of Education for implementation of actions at the local level, especially in training and in promoting activities that improve local educational management, with the Ministry Culture and Coca-Cola Foundation for Development Campaign Animation Maria Moliner Reader in municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, with the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) for the development of scientific and technological parks municipalities, and the Federation Mesa del Toro.