The FEMP, at the International Conference for Haiti World Cities

A representative of the FEMP has attended the International Conference of Cities and Regions of the World for Haiti, held recently in Fort-de-France (Martinique) to coordinate a proposal for equitable and sustainable development of Haiti from decentralized cooperation. Mayor Enguera (Valencia), member of the Committee on Cooperation of the Federation, moved the agreements of the Executive Committee of the FEMP in respect of aid to Haiti.

The FEMP expressed their commitment and solidarity with the Haitian people and the invitation to participate in all Spanish municipalities with a call by the Executive Committee in January 2010 and a member of the MESA program, the possibility of moving the rest of program partners in the upcoming schedules, 2010, 2011, 2012, is allocated a specific amount for Haiti aimed at developing a program of reconstruction of governance and civil society.
The Spanish delegation also comprised representatives of the Municipality of Barcelona, D Cuxart and Manel Joaquim Vila and by Ignasi Calbo-Trojan of the Catalan Agency for Cooperation and Development.
The Conference brought together local representatives of several countries and shows the need to coordinate the actions of decentralized cooperation with municipalities and regions in Haiti.