Spanish Network of Cities for Climate promote electric cars

The Mayor of Vigo and President of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate FEMP, Abel Caballero, announced that, throughout this year, the Network will promote measures to promote electric cars, will support the establishment of a National Award Weather and promote initiatives related to biomass and storage systems and power distribution learns several buildings. This was agreed at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Network, held this morning.

During the meeting, held in Vigo, participants took stock of the activities of 2010 and the actions planned for this year 2011. In this second chapter announced the proposed agreement with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), designed to promote the use of electric vehicles.

Indeed, after the meeting, Abel Caballero introduced the electric car for use in its official visits by the city of Vigo, a measure which, he said, should be generalized in public office of the Administration.

The Network Executive Committee also reported on the approach of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, concerning the establishment of a National Climate Award to recognize the work of the city or cities that contribute most to eliminate factors related to climate change.

It also announced several proposals for boosting the biomass and various performances in Spain, already existing in other European cities, on accumulation and distribution of heat in several buildings in the same district.

Spanish Network of Cities for Climate, the FEMP, groups of 300 Spanish municipalities, cities and towns committed to sustainable development and climate protection, in which 28 million people reside. The objective of the Network, born in 2004, is to act as a forum for exchange of experiences and technical support tool for Spanish Local Governments seeking a sustainable development model.