Support to Local Government Cooperation Week 2010

Local governments participating in the Cooperation Week 2010, which has started today, under the slogan "There is no more important goal." The acts, will continue until day 11 and will have as its central date of September 8, Day Cooperating to be held in the acts of recognition to the work of thousands of aid workers worldwide who work for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals.

In the presentation and the Week, which was held at the Palacio de Viana, Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, highlighted the commitment of Spanish Local Governments with the development cooperation, which, at a time of economic difficulties, are maintaining their projects of cooperation and solidarity. You referred to the great work done by local entities, in coordination with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI), by reason of the disaster in Haiti, and now Pakistan, as well as the work of dissemination and awareness for the fulfillment of the Millennium Goals.
The Secretary General of the FEMP has also reported the adoption of a specific motion for the festival of Cooperating by the municipalities and the holding of activities for the pediatric population coinciding with the start of the school year.

The event was attended by Secretary of State of International Cooperation, Soraya Rodriguez, and the President of the Coordinating Committee of Development NGOs, Eduardo Sanchez.
Cooperation Week 2010 takes place in a context of particular relevance since in the days after New York will take place at the meeting for review of compliance with the Millennium Development Goals, whose compliance deadline is near: 2015. The progress made to achieve them has been uneven and in some regions, inadequate, leaving a great job done. The Prime Minister, convinced of the importance of this challenge, has accepted responsibility for co-chairing the Group of boosters of the MDGs at the request of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
During these days will take place the traditional reception by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Spanish cooperation agents, which this time will be focused on Haiti, one of the great challenges that has faced international cooperation . Second Prize will be presented on National Education for Development "Vicente Ferrer" to 15 schools in different Autonomous Communities, Eduardo Galeano in the Dialogues will be with us in the AECI and Celtic Shorts, Carlos Jean and Najwa Nimri, will perform on the night cooperation.
On the occasion of the celebration of the Ninth General Assembly of the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, which takes place on 9 and 10 September, the AECI also organizes events to learn more about what happens to indigenous peoples today, their culture, their thinking and their demands.
Two days of Cineforum with the protagonists of the documentary series on the MDGs Millennium Stories and advocacy for children, complete a full schedule of events to share the values that lead to the Spanish society to combat poverty and promote sustainable development.

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